Having recently been thrown into the midst of the allopathic medical system, I can honestly say that it’s been a steep descent into the underworld. It reminds me of a board game consisting of blind alleys and trick questions intended to destabilize the player. In the game one has to be terribly astute so as not to end up in the dungeon or be sent back to the beginning. In this game however, the more alert you are, the less likely it is that you will get what you want. It teaches the art of listening to our intuition which we have for very good reason, especially as our bodies are completely connected to our thoughts and feelings, something traditional medicine will not recognize.
At the moment it seems to me that this broken system is all about numbers, drugs and lies, which makes for an unsettling journey trying to obtain the truth. Frankly I have decided that this resides in our own inner knowing, and whereas some of the tests, procedures & opinions can be helpful, I personally have had many incidences of feeling bullied, violated and compartmentalized. This is no surprise to anybody, as we are I think, at least most of us by now, aware of the old organizations crumbling painfully before our very eyes. In the long term this has to be good, but for those of us who need these services, even if we’d rather not be needing them, it is unnerving. In the decay, all tenderness, sensitivity and heart have disappeared, because it’s full of weary practitioners who have had enough and are rapidly leaving a sinking ship, whilst the newly qualified are striking with the all the other institutions that have lost confidence.
Several of my female friends have had similar experiences. Each of us have been left with an alarming number of contradictions & cover ups followed by offensive blame and shame. Strong, intelligent, compassionate women who deserve better. Different bodily organs, yet the same story, with the shocking tendency to remove the problematic organs, instead of trying patiently to discover what the underlying reason could be. My friends and I are all supporters of complimentary health, and with these therapists there is more probability of being heard, seen and held. I believe that these therapies are the medicine of the future, including different forms of quantum and frequency healing, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, different energy healing modalities and so many more, all of which have made a tremendous resurgence in recent years. All we want is to be seen for the unique human beings we are, and we are having to remember how to attune to our still small voice, for in these modern times, somehow we have forgotten how to do this due to the brainwashing of television and the education system. We must remember, as our survival as sovereign beings relies upon this. We must find our courage, every one of us, & act upon the urgings of our inner minds, especially when we are frightened to do so, because fear has been used to stop our individuality from flourishing, and fear is surely the enemy of love. Having pointed
out the negativity, I have to mention the practitioners who do care and have remained in it for the right reasons, though I see how the system is making it virtually impossible for them to do what they signed up for. My gratitude for my GP, now retired, who got me through the worst of it all, is immense; his kindness, consideration and integrity genuinely touched me. When we are vulnerable, we respond well to loving kindness, and we respond badly to being rushed, dismissed and patronized. This behaviour simply makes us feel marginalized and disappointed.
All journeys to the underworld ultimately lead to wholeness, but only when we surrender to the dark night of the soul. In doing so I have had to face myself in ways that I & only I could, for my pathway has set me on a road that only I can tread. Like little Red Riding Hood who was lost in the forest and succumbed to the big bad wolf out of naïvety, we have to grow up, and in doing so we learn that just because some people portray themselves as the trustworthy voice of authority, it doesn’t mean that they necessarily are. I have learned that whosoever sets themselves up as such a power figure, through their charisma, intellectual knowledge or even by popular demand, will have to earn my trust. I don’t say this lightly because it’s been one of my life-long lessons and therefore not something that comes naturally to me. But these times we’re living in require that we step into our power & trust the innate spiritual wisdom we were born with. It’s a bitter pill to swallow when we see that we’ve been duped for so long and talked into doing something that wasn’t for our highest good. But it comes from a time that supported the misguided belief in hierarchies. In other words, the New Earth that is already an inevitability will and does celebrate questioning what may not sit well with us, lifting us to levels of equality and cooperation, taking us back to an era where our connection to the Divine came first. This truth has been hijacked by those who are determined to destroy our purity, and the jaded old medical system lies in the middle of this drama, playing its’ redundant, worn out script on the world stage.
The Newtonian model attempted to wipe out all traces of natural medicine, having us believe that what couldn’t be scientifically proven was not real, until gradually the wise women, seers, herbalists and healers were replaced by a sterile clinical environment void of humanity, with the consultants encouraged to play God, and the idea that patients may actually know what their own bodies need, actively discouraged, sneered at or ignored. If the truth is that only Love is real, then all else is the lack of love. So where there is a lack of love, whatever the situation, then to put it simplistically, that situation can only be helped and healed by the love that has been absent. There can sometimes be much deep exploration as part of the person’s recovery, be it physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually, taking as long as it needs to on the road to perfect health. As human beings we cannot be put into boxes or labelled, because not one of us is the same as another, and isn’t this what makes us interesting? Our uniqueness is to be celebrated and our shadow courageously confronted & honoured, until our brightness is re-discovered like a glittering diamond in the fertile soil of our experiences.
The language of health denies this love, deeming our emotions irrelevant. But like all systems not in alignment with a higher vision, it is losing momentum & running itself into the ground, whilst clutching on to what it knows at any cost with ugly voracity. The blood running through my veins is my life force, the manna in my lungs the breath of life and my heart cradles yesterday’s choices and the dreams of all my tomorrows. It’s fairly widely known by now that consciousness resides in the heart rather than the brain, and Dr. Eben Alexander in his book, “Proof Of Heaven”, writes about this powerful realization after being in a coma for one week. It’s an important book because of his background as a leading neurosurgeon, and he explains how his experiences altered his previously ingrained perceptions, totally transforming his understanding of our world in relation to the higher dimensions.
I haven’t yet reached the gateway out of the forest, and contrary to old beliefs, I will choose which direction I wish to take. All I know is that for my vitality and upliftment, it has to be a path that nurtures my emotions alongside my physical body, rather than one which plays mind games for its own dictatorial & therefore dangerous agenda. Love heals, allowing us to be masters of our own destiny, irrespective of rules and regulations, gently reminding us who we truly are beyond this fast paced existence. Sometimes I am able to raise my vibration above the earthly language of form, to a more refined landscape where I can surrender my fears and seemingly impossible dilemmas, to something greater than my small human self. When I do this I remember who I am. In each of us is a secret space that longs to be felt, deep within the deepest part of ourselves: it whispers & sings a lullaby of innocence, caresses our dark despair, retrieving lost fragments of hopefulness, for it keeps them safe until we are ready to receive them back into the creative visionary vessels of our awareness. Gradually the wounding can be integrated and transmuted into light. Only then are we able to welcome back the beautiful souls that we always were, into sacred communion with our physical selves. The intertwining of our spirit with this experience in this body is our birthright and the reason for all our incarnations, especially now in these urgent times. Soul work though invaluable is never easy, but I for one intend to break the patterns which have kept me in bondage to the past, as I continue unravelling unhelpful ties that no longer serve me, until I can walk with dignity towards a future that is blessed, golden and holy.