For clients who are unable or do not want a reading in person, readings work equally well by Phone, Skype or Zoom and are the same price.

About Nikki Simler
Each person's journey is a unique and intricately woven path. We all attempt to maintain balance in our lives while trying to figure out what it's all about. I believe that we are all here for a purpose and it is my job, with the help of the Tarot cards plus my own Clairvoyant and Psychic abilities to help you to regain clarity and peace of mind, so that you are open to your own truth.

Clairvoyance means "clear vision". Whenever I do any kind of reading, I psychically read what is going on for you whether it is past, present or future. I am able to "see" clearly in this way when I know nothing about you. Therefore the reading comes from a pure clear space with no added knowledge from before.

" It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end"
(Ursula Le Guin)
